Vacant New Jersey

Photostream » June 2018 » J.N. Adam Memorial Hospital

TB Or Not TB

Light cast from the early morning sun just barely now peeking above the horizon is separated into beautiful golden beams of light as the rays become diffused through wet tree leaves still bogged down and heavy with morning dew left behind from the quickly disappearing night chill. A steep asphalt road pitted with potholes and cracks winds up the mountain, ultimately leading to the decaying carcass of a former tuberculosis hospital. However, fallen leaves in the road act as an indicator, like prints in fresh snow, highlighting wet tire marks leading up to the hospital ruins ahead; a solid sign that security is on the prowl.

As the sun begins to quickly and efficiently eat away at the cover of darkness and illuminate the sky an increasing light hue of blue, we become forced to hug the woods' line which still holds the darkened shadows of safety for at least a little longer. The shadows gift us just enough time to sneak up and along the edge of the road in cover, rather than being forced to alternatively bushwhack into the forest of thorns that the road so easily slices through. As we reach the top of the asphalt path, the darkness has now fully left us exposed to the elements of the sun which illuminate a daunting, sturdy, erect, razor wire topped fence surrounding the entire perimeter of the massive hospital, its immense red brick edifice glowing gold under the morning sunrise. But fences are merely just illusions, scare tactics at best...